Where Is The Safest Place To Shred Documents?

Shredded documents

When securely shredding documents, choosing the right location is paramount. The safest place to shred documents is at a reputable shredding service provider. These professional companies offer various options, such as mobile shredding units that come to your location or secure offsite facilities where your documents are transported and shredded. These services ensure that sensitive information is destroyed in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.

Understanding The Risks Of Improper Document Disposal

Improper document disposal poses numerous risks, such as identity theft, corporate espionage, and legal consequences. Confidential documents in the wrong hands can be exploited to access personal information, financial data, or proprietary business details. Even seemingly harmless documents may contain enough information to cause significant harm. Discarding documents in the trash or recycling bin does not ensure security.

Compliance with regulations like GLBA and HIPAA is essential to avoid hefty fines and legal liabilities. Statistics show that 60% of businesses have experienced data breaches due to improper document disposal. Always shred sensitive documents to mitigate these risks and protect against potential privacy breaches.


Where To Shred Documents Options

In House Shredders


  • Convenience: A shredder at home or office means you can dispose of documents immediately.
  • Cost-Effective: Once purchased, the only ongoing expenses are electricity and occasional maintenance.


  • Capacity Limitations: Home shredders are typically designed for light use and may overheat or jam with heavy use.
  • Security Levels: Basic shredders may offer a different level of security than professional services.


Onsite Shredding Services


  • Higher Capacity: Local shredding services can handle larger volumes of documents.
  • Professional Grade: These services often use industrial shredders with higher security levels.


  • Cost: Pay-per-use or subscription fees may add up, especially if you have a lot of documents.
  • Logistics: You must transport your documents to the shredding location, which can be inconvenient.


 Offsite Shredding Services


  • Security: Professional shredding services have secure offsite facilities where documents are destroyed in bulk.
  • Convenience: You can schedule a pickup or use periodic service for regular document purges.


  • Cost: These services often charge based on volume, which may be more expensive than other options.
  • Transportation: Documents need to be transported and stored before pickup, which could pose a security risk.


Drop-Off Shredding Services


  • Security: Drop-off facilities often have stringent security measures, reducing the risk of document theft.
  • Convenience: Locations are frequently available in community hubs, making it easy to drop off documents.


  • Timing: You may need to visit during specific hours, which might not align with your schedule.
  • Handling: There is a risk associated with handling and transporting documents before they are dropped off.


Mobile Shredding Services


  • Ultimate Convenience: Mobile shredding units come to your location, eliminating the need for you to transport documents.
  • Real-Time Destruction: You can witness the shredding process, assuring you that your documents are destroyed immediately.


  • Cost: Mobile services are usually more expensive than other shredding options.
  • Scheduling: You must book an appointment, which may only sometimes be the most flexible option.


How To Choose The Best Shredding Method For Your Needs

Choosing the right shredding method depends on several factors:

Volume Of Documents

A home shredder might suffice if you have a small volume of documents. A typical home shredder can handle a modest amount of paper and is perfect for everyday household or small office use. For larger volumes, however, consider local or offsite shredding services equipped to handle bulk shredding efficiently and safely.


Regular shredding needs may justify the investment in a high-quality home shredder. These shredders offer better durability and can process more sheets simultaneously, making them suitable for frequent use. Local shredding services are more cost-effective and convenient for occasional shredding needs, ensuring your documents are destroyed without the need for a significant upfront investment.

Security Level

Evaluate the sensitivity of your documents. If they contain highly confidential information, such as personal identification numbers, financial records, or proprietary business data, you might need the higher security levels offered by professional shredding services. These services often provide certificates of destruction, ensuring a verifiable chain of custody and compliance with privacy laws.


Balance the cost against the convenience and security offered by each method. Home shredders range in price based on their capacity and features, while professional services can vary in cost depending on the volume and frequency of shredding required. Consider your specific needs and choose a solution that offers the best value for your situation, whether it’s the upfront purchase of a quality home shredder or the ongoing expense of a professional service.


The safest place to shred documents depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Home shredders offer convenience for small, regular shredding tasks, while local and offsite shredding services provide higher security for larger volumes. Regardless of the method, American Document Services recommends shredding all documents containing sensitive information to protect against potential privacy breaches. Shredding is a critical step in maintaining compliance and ensuring the security of confidential information; contact us to learn more about our shredding services in New Mexico and how we can help keep your documents safe.

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